this notes are engineering physics to related (SPPU). and the exam preparation to cover all unit and this unit under all chapter. this notes is 2019 pattern. this notes create by this book (engineering physics subject code : 107002)
Physics-Unit 1.pdf
Physics-Unit 2.pdf
Physics Unit_3.pdf
Unit 5(A) Physics.pdf
Unit-5(B) Physics.pdf
Unit 6 - Physics.pdf
this notes are engineering physics to related (SPPU). and the exam preparation to cover all unit and this unit under all chapter. this notes is 2019 pattern. this notes create by this book (engineering physics subject code : 107002)
I am trying to post on university previous question with answer and text book or notes + MCQ or study material related university easy to exam preparation any query contact personal chat. I hope if you like this.
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LDE of nth order with constant coefficients, Complementary function, Particular integral, General method, Short methods, Method of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Legendre’s DE, Simultaneous and Symmetric simultaneous DE.
project of First year engineering (PBL) entitled “Green House Effect’s and
this notes are engineering mathematics 1 to related (SPPU). and the exam preparation to cover all unit and this unit under all chapter.
this notes are basic electrical engineering to related (SPPU). and the exam preparation to cover all unit and this unit under all chapter.
this is question pepar of engineering physics dec.-may 2018-19 to (SPPU) university with answer
this question pepar are engineering graphics (diagram is proper measured or correct) previous end-sem question pepar with answer to all pattern (2012 to 2019) and the question pepar are savitribai phule pune university.
this question pepar are engineering physics previous end-sem question pepar with answer to all pattern (2012 to 2019) and the question pepar are savitribai phule pune university.
this question pepar are engineering mechanics previous end-sem question pepar with answer to all pattern (2012 to 2019) and the question pepar are savitribai phule pune university.
this question pepar are engineering mathematics II previous end-sem question pepar with answer to all pattern (2012 to 2019) and the question pepar are savitribai phule pune university.
this question pepar are System Mechanical Engineering (SME) previous end sem question pepar with answer to all pattern (2012 to 2019) and the question pepar are savitribai phule pune university.
this question pepar are engineering mathematics 1 previous question pepar with answer to all pattern (2012 to 2019) and the question pepar are savitribai phule pune university.
this question pepar are engineering chemistry previous question pepar with answer to all pattern (2012 to 2019) and the question pepar are savitribai phule pune university.
Evolution of Electronics, Impact of Electronics in industry and in society.
Introduction to object-oriented programming, Need of object-oriented programming, Fundamentals of object-oriented programming: Namespaces, objects, classes, data members, methods, messages, data encapsulation, data abstraction and information hiding, inheritance, polymorphism.
Logic Design Minimization Technique: Minimization of Boolean function using K-map(up to 4 variables) and Quine Mc-Clusky Method, Representation of signed number- sign magnitude representation ,1’s complement and 2’s complement form (red marked can be removed), Sum of product and Product of sum form, Minimization of SOP and POS using K-map.
Introduction and significance of Discrete Mathematics, Sets– Naïve Set Theory (Cantorian Set Theory), Axiomatic Set Theory, Set Operations, Cardinality of set, Principle of inclusion and exclusion.
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